Feeling Sick?

Know Where to go

Primary Healthcare in Korea

Operating Hours
Useful Numbers

Unlike some countries, General Practitioners (GPs) are extremely rare or non-existent in Korea, as healthcare is highly specialized and primary care is provided by specialists in private clinics. It can be difficult to choose a clinic when you need to see a doctor if you are not familiar with the different specializations.

If you are not sure where to go, Public Health Centers (보건소) are also an option. All primary care services are provided except Obstetrics and Gynecology, Neuropsychiatry, and surgical care. However, as Public Health Centers are less specialized, they are not commonly visited other than for issuance of health certificates.

Healthcare in Korea is split into three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary.

You will need a referral letter from a primary healthcare doctor before going to a hospital (secondary or tertiary), otherwise you might not be covered by insurance.

Opening hours differ by clinic, but these are the general opening hours. Some clinics open until late in the evening for office workers. It is also common to have a lunch break for around an hour anywhere between 12pm - 2pm.

If the clinics are closed and your condition is serious, you should visit the emergency room at a hospital.

Most clinics do not require an appointment- you can walk in at any time. However, there may be long waiting times if there are many patients and especially during peak hours.


24 hour emergency medical information centre. English- speaking doctors are available to provide medical information in an emergency and help you find the nearest 24 hour pharmacy or hospital.


Ambulance & Fire Department

Click on the part of the body where you are feeling sick to view suggestions on what clinic to visit!

Target Symptoms

Services Provided

안과 Ophtamology

Handles all the medical aspects of eye care, including treatment, surgery, and the prescription of contact lenses, glasses as well as medicines for eye problems.

Poor, partial or complete loss of vision
Eye injury, pain, infection, or inflammation
Eye stye
Health conditions that can affect the eyes (e.g. diabetes, high blood pressure)

Surgery to correct poor vision
Prescription of contact lenses and glasses

성형외과 Plastic Surgery

Specializes in repair, reconstruction or replacement of physical defects on the body for medical or cosmetic reasons.

Abnormal structures of the body tissue or skin caused by infection, developmental abnormalities, congenital anomalies, disease, tumors, or trauma.
Cosmetic surgery, procedures and tattoo removal services are also available.

피부과 Dermatology

Specializes in medical and cosmetic conditions of the hair, skin and nails. Can help recognize symptoms of serious undelying health issues.

Problems of the skin such as acne, mole, warts, cysts, infections, dermatitis (e.g. eczema, allergies), discoloration, wrinkles, scarring, varicose veins, and skin cancer.

피부과 Dermatology

Specializes in medical and cosmetic conditions of the hair, skin and nails. Can help recognize symptoms of serious undelying health issues.

Problems of the skin such as acne, mole, warts, cysts, infections, dermatitis (e.g. eczema, allergies), discoloration, wrinkles, scarring, varicose veins, and skin cancer.

성형외과 Plastic Surgery

Specializes in repair, reconstruction or replacement of physical defects on the body for medical or cosmetic reasons.

Abnormal structures of the body tissue or skin caused by infection, developmental abnormalities, congenital anomalies, disease, tumors, or trauma. Cosmetic surgery, prodedures and tattoo removal services are also available.

정형외과 Orthopedic Surgery

Specializes in conditions related to the musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles, ligaments. joints, tendons).

Problems in the hand, foot, shoulder, knee, hip, legs etc. such as broken bones, injuries, infections, tumor growth, pain, inflammation, and diseases.

산부인과 Obstetrics & Gynecology (OB/GYN)

Specializes in the care of women during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the diagnosis of and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive organs.

Irregular periods, loss of periods, menopause
Frequent or urgent need to urinate, pain or burning during urination
Pain during intercourse, decreased libido, orgasmic dysfunction

Contraception (birth control)
STD testing and treatment
Prenatal examination, postnatal examination
Cancer screening (Cervical, breast, ovarian)
Cervical cancer vaccination

비뇨기과 Urology

Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary tract in both men and women, and the male reproductive system.

Infertility (male)
Frequent or urgent need to urinate, pain or burning during urination, difficulty urinating, feeling of residual urine, weak urine flow, urine leakage
Pain in lower back, pelvis, or sides
Decreased libido, trouble getting or keeping an erection
Lump in the testicle

STD testing and treatment
Vasectomy surgery, circumcision surgery, male plastic surgery

내과 Internal Medicine

Diagnose, manage and treat disorders and conditions of the ear, nose, and throat region, and related areas of the head and neck.

소화기과 Gastroenterology

Digestive system or excretion problems

호흡기 내과
Respiratory Medicine

Respiratory system problems

순환기 내과
Circulatory Medicine

Blood circulation problems

신장 내과
Renal Medicine

Problems with kidneys, diabetes, high blood pressure

내분비 내과 Endocrinology

Problems with metabolic disorders and hormone secretions

감염 내과
Infectious Medicine

Fever, immunodificiency, infectious diseases, AIDS

혈액종양 내과 Hemato-oncology

Abnormaly detected during blood test, examine malignant tumors, blood disorders

Issuance of health certificates
Health screening/ checkup
Intravenous therapy
Chronic disease management
(e.g. diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, obesity, chronic lung disease)

이비인후과 Ear, Nose and Throat

Diagnose, manage and treat disorders and conditions of the ear, nose, and throat region, and related areas of the head and neck.

In general:
Injury or pain to ENT
Sleep disorders
ENT birth defects
Growth or tumor in ENT

Ear: hearing impairment, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), pain in the ear, balance problems, dizziness, congenital disorders of the ear, swimmer’s ear

Nose: problem smelling or breathing, physical appearance of the nose affected, allergies, sinuses, nose bleeds, nasal congestion, sleep apnea, snoring

Throat: speech, singing, voice, eating or swallowing is affected, sore throat, hoarseness, tonsilitis

Hearing aid
Sleep test for insomnia
Allergy testing

정신과 Psychiatry

Specializes in the treatment of psychological and psychiatric matters.

Sleep disorders (e.g. insomnia, nightmares, night terror, chronic fatigue)
Anxiety (social, interpersonal), panic disorder
Anger issues
Tourette Syndrome
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Learning disorders (reading, writing, mathematics)
Addiction (e.g. alcohol, gaming, gambling)
Phobias (e.g. claustrophobia, acrophobia, zoophobia, aerophobia), stage fright
Manic depressive disorder, bipolar disorder
Menopause syndrome
Eating disorders (e.g. bulimia, anorexia)

Couple counselling
Family counselling
Stress counselling